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Create automated workflows in knowledge base using Make integration

Document360 integration with Make allows you to create workflows, and automate and integrate it with different applications. It acts as a bridge to create automated workflows called Scenarios which work based on actions and triggers. You can create complex workflows without coding, and it supports simple drag-and-drop interfaces or ready-made app integrations.

API Key generation in Document360

  • Go to your project in the Document360 portal
  • Click Settings → Knowledge base portal → Extensions → Team Collaboration, and you can find the Make widget at the bottom
  • In the Make extension widget, click the Generate ‘⊕︀’ button and click Yes in the confirmation prompt
  • Copy the generated key by clicking on the Copy icon

You can use this key to connect your Document360 knowledge base with other 3rd party applications on Make.

Read More: Document360 + Make Usecases

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