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Missing out on deals due to slow information access?

Switch to Document360

A centralized knowledge base provides your sales team with instant access to the latest product details, sales strategies, and client engagement guidelines, empowering them to sell more effectively and close deals faster.


Trusted by sales teams globally

  • Clickfunnels
  • Insider
  • Whatfix
  • Payoneer
  • ctera
  • Cascade

Do it all with Document360

Centralize sales materials

Centralize all essential sales resources like email templates, sales scripts, sales training materials, product FAQs, process documentation, etc., in one place. Ensure your team has easy access to accurate, current information to strengthen pitches and close deals confidently.

Centralize sales materials

Standardize sales playbook

Provide your team with a standardized sales playbook, case studies, feature comparison docs, pricing proposal templates, training modules, etc., to align on best practices. Reduce onboarding time and ensure consistent messaging across your global sales teams.

Standardize sales playbook

Share effective battlecards

Create a centralized repository for battle cards and objection-handling guides that compare your product against competitors. This will enable your team to quickly access competitive intelligence, empowering them to handle objections and showcase your product’s strengths.

Share effective battlecards

What makes
Document360 different

Find information faster

Help your sales team instantly find any sales collateral, script, or product detail. Reduce time spent searching for information, allowing more time for selling and customer engagement.

Find information faster

Boost collaboration across teams

Facilitate seamless collaboration between sales, marketing, and product teams. Share feedback, update documents in real-time, and maintain consistent messaging across all departments.

Boost collaboration across teams

Control user permissions

Set permissions to ensure that only authorized team members access specific documents. Protect sensitive information while making essential sales materials readily available to the right people.

Control user permissions

Data driven insights

Gain a clear view of how your team is engaging with sales content, pinpoint content gaps, and make data-driven adjustments to your strategy. Empower your sales team with consistent messaging, optimize resource allocation, and boost overall performance.

Data driven insights

Drive impact across sales roles

  • Increase lead conversion rates
  • Enhance outreach efficiency
  • Improve onboarding and training

  • Close deals faster
  • Reduce time spent on proposal preparation
  • Enhance client communication

  • Optimize team performance
  • Improve decision-making
  • Standardize sales processes and SOPs

Hear what users love about Document360


The documentation is more visually understandable because of the way Document360 breaks it into individual pages.

Yoni Hubermann | Director of Customer Education, Panaya


Document360 gives you a well-rounded view of what’s happening with all facets of your content.

Thibaut de robien | CEO at Fastmag


Document360 makes it easy for us to share our documentation resources across multiple products.

Cory Clarke | Vice President, View Inc


The Document360 team did not stop until everything was perfect and met our expectations.

Ronny | Technical Writer, Easysend

Top Choice on G2, Capterra, and Beyond…

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One platform, to solve all your knowledge base challenges

Ready to create sales