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How to enable ticket deflector in knowledge base assistant

With the combination of Document360’s ticket deflector & knowledge base assistant, you can significantly improve your support operation. Now configure the ticket deflector under knowledge base assistant which helps customers to map any live ticket deflector form on the knowledge base (KB) assistant itself. In other words, you can access your ticket deflector and the KB assistant in one go. When the customer opens the in-app assistant both the knowledge base and the ticket deflector are accessible on the same page. They need not have to go to multiple pages and helps to reduce the volume of incoming support tickets by assisting users in finding answers using the existing knowledge base before contacting the support team.

It also gives you insights on customer behaviour such as  

  • Total no of searches 
  • No of forms submitted 
  • Total feedback 
  • Top 5 frequently asked question 
  • Most useful articles 

Feedback Analytics: shows what your users are searching for, and which ones are resolved by submitting forms and which were answered by knowledge base assistant. 

Satisfaction Analytics: provides a graphic visual on the number of questions answered by knowledge base assistant compared to the number of forms raised. 


Here is an elaborate guide for you to refer to: Ticket Deflector & Knowledge base assistant 

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