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Webinar on The Art of API Documentation: Best Practices for Writers - August 07, 2024 | 2:30PM UTC - Register Now!

Archbee alternative to scale documentation

Document360 makes creating, customizing, and collaborating on your private or public documentation effortless.

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Trusted by global brands

  • McDonald's
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  • Panaya

Interactive AI Search for Faster Answers

With Ask Eddy, your customers and teams can find accurate answers to their questions faster.

Eddy can extract information from code blocks, tables, and LaTeX to provided optimized answers.

In addition to English, Eddy’s response can be generated in French (fr), Spanish (es), German (de), Norwegian (no), and Dutch (nl).

Why businesses choose Document360

Powerful Editor

We believe having flexibility for authoring documentation articles. Document360 lets you choose between Markdown and advanced WYSIWYG for your article creation.

Powerful Editor

Easy Customization

Document360 comes built in with advanced customizations features. You can now style your documentation site as per your branding guidelines.

Easy Customization

Advanced Analytics

Get detailed insights about how readers interact with your documentation site. Leverage these insights to improve article quality and user engagement.

Advanced Analytics

Controlled visibility

You have complete control over access to your documentation site. To achieve the perfect balance, you can keep it private, public, or a combination of both.

Visibility Control


Stay seamlessly connected with today’s business tools

Industry leader in Technical Documentation

  • Capterra
  • G2
  • GetApp
  • Software Advise
Overall Ratings

Here’s what our users across the globe say


of our users recommend Document360


of users found Documen360 easy to setup


of users say Document360 is easy to use

Source:G2 Logo

See how our customers drive impact

Panaya + Document360

The documentation is more visually understandable because of the way Document360 breaks it into individual pages.

Integrate with the tools you love
3min watch

Fastmag + Document360

Document360 gives you a well-rounded view of what’s happening with all facets of your content.

Integrate with the tools you love
3min watch

Trusted by thousands of users in over 100+ countries

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  • G2 Leader
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  • Software Reviews

*Disclaimer : Data was sourced from the Winter 2023 Knowledge Management, Knowledge Base, HAT & Contact Centre Knowledge Base Grid® Report by G2