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AI-Powered Documentation Tool for IT Organizations

In today’s IT world, IT professionals spend hours searching for outdated or incomplete documentation, which costs Fortune 500 companies $12 billion per year. Imagine the impact on scaling businesses!

That’s where Document360 comes in!

Document360 is an AI-powered documentation tool designed specifically for IT organizations. It improves knowledge transfer, offers 24×7 online support for customers, and saves a lot of time through documentation.

Why Document360?

► Streamlined Knowledge Transfer: The team gets easy documentation access, reducing downtime.

► 24×7 Self-Service Support: Provide your customers with instant access to accurate information to minimize churn.

► Collaborative Editing: Collaboration is easy with your team during the document creation process with the editors of your choice.

► Version Control: Track changes and manage different drafts of documents, preventing errors when working together.

► Granular Access Control: Control who can access and edit sensitive articles, ensuring data security and integrity.

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