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Document360 offers knowledge base analytics with a wide variety of features to analyse your content based on Geography, Performance, Search, Team Accounts, Feedback, Link Status, Page Not found & Ticket Deflector.
Now let’s take a deep dive into different analytics categories on Document360.
Geography: The Geography section is intended to provide you with a broad overview of customer engagement. You may also quickly see which countries are bringing the most visitors to your knowledge base.
Performance: Analyse how your audience interacts with your content. This provides information on the number of likes, dislikes, views, and reads for each article. It can also be filtered based on Authors, Categories, Articles, and Countries.
Search: You can use search analytics to track data on search terms that are often searched or don’t yield results, total number of searches, number of users who used the search feature, and no-result searches.
Team Accounts: Team accounts will provide you with information about the members of your project’s team like their account type, the articles that each team member creates/views, and the date that they last contributed or logged in.
Feedback: Feedback analytics track likes and dislikes for each article, as well as any comments left by users.
Link Status: It checks for any broken links and helps validate and monitor all internal links, external links, and media file links on your knowledge base.
Page Not Found: Tracks 404 error pages in the knowledge base and provides data such as no. of hits to a non-existence URL.
Ticket Deflector: Gives data on total no. of. searches, form submitted, frequently asked questions and most useful articles.
Here is an elaborate guide for you to refer: Analytics
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