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What makes an FAQs page really stand out from the crowd-Document360

How to create an FAQ Page for Your Company: Tips & Benefits

Category: Knowledge Management

Last updated on Sep 23, 2024

An FAQ page is something you may have thought about for your company, as a way to help customers answer common questions about your products and services. But you don’t know the best way to go about it; surely it’s just a list of questions?

Well, yes and no.

If you don’t have an FAQs page on your website, you’re missing out on hours of sales and support time that could have been saved, as well as new customers who could have been nudged into making a purchase.

Although FAQ pages, unlike a landing page or a sales page, do not show direct return on investment, it save your team in other factors like

  • helps you to maintain excellent customer service
  • gives you the ability to resolve the issues for your customer in a very short span
  • helps you to maintain a lesser average time
  • reduces customer support tickets and the burden on your support team
  • enhances your website’s organic traffic and
  • above all, gives your customers room for self-service.

FAQs support customers through the whole purchasing process and reduce the amount of contact time the customer needs to have with your company. Most customers don’t want to contact you, anyway.

Did you know that a whopping 67% of customers prefer self-service over speaking to a company representative? So that is the indirect figure a good FAQ page will fetch you.

Besides, it is also a moment of truth to your conversion funnel. When a visitor navigates to the FAQ section, it indicates your visitor’s interest in that product or service. So, what more reasons are you looking for to build a valuable FAQ page?

What do FAQs mean?

FAQs stand for frequently asked questions. It is one of the many crucial pages of your website. It gives your customers answers to recurring and common questions and addresses their concerns.

FAQ online - Document360

Every business website comes with a standard set of pages, such as the “Contact Us” page, “About Us” page, and “Privacy Policy” page. An FAQs page is another essential page on this list.

Some companies use the FAQs page as a place to dump all the information that they can’t fit elsewhere on their website. But your FAQs page is your opportunity to communicate with prospective customers who are thinking of doing business with you.

At Document360, our FAQ section assists our clients with every last detail about our product. From assisting with using the knowledge management software to explaining in detail every feature and its purpose briefly, it is an all-inclusive section on our website. It provides answers to the most common and recurring questions arising in our customer’s minds. It is a repository of knowledge management software for old and new customers and prospects too.

In addition to providing answers to common questions, when you plan your FAQ section in-depth, it will become one of the most significant tools that you can leverage to:

  • Improve sales by addressing your customer’s concerns and influencing their purchase decisions
  • Save a lot of your support team’s time by reducing customer service tickets
  • Attract more (organic) traffic by boosting your website’s search visibility
  • Offer your visitors and customers a more pleasant overall user experience

A good FAQ page brings a lot of opportunities when it is leveraged to its fullest potential.

Why are FAQs important?

70% of customers expect a company to include a self-service application. You can’t get away with neglecting self-help content for customers – is part of the basic offering they expect from the customer experience.

Having an FAQs page allows you to decrease the number of calls and emails your company receives from your customers. By shifting the bulk of your support inquiries to the website, your employees will be freed up to help the customers who need it.

When you provide relevant information about a product or service, the number of sales increases. According to research by HBR, if you make it easy for customers to gather and understand information about your brand, then you are 86% more likely to be purchased, 9% more likely to be repurchased, and 115% more likely to be recommended to others.


The best part about creating an FAQ page is they are straightforward. It is a continual process that evolves with your product or service and your brand. If you are looking at how to create an FAQ online, we will share the tips that you can follow to build that powerful space.

1. Create a list of commonly asked questions

Approaching your customer support team for forming the foundation of your FAQ must be your primary thing, to begin with. They are in the front row handling your customers and their queries, and who better than your customer support team to tell you about the common questions they are bombarded with often?

You can request your support team to give you the list of the most recurring issues and the common questions.

Ferret your ticketing systems, emails, and search bars to identify the questions and issues. Note them down with their frequency, keywords, and repetitive words. Initially, you can leave the long questions to be addressed by your support team (which you must work on later). Attend those shorter, repetitive queries first.
You can leverage your social media comments to find out what questions your customers have asked, or you can directly ask them on your posts. That can open up to a lot of potential ideas.

Look at your competitor’s site for ideas and make sure you have those questions addressed.

While gathering information from different platforms, focus on the keywords and descriptions used by your customers. Maintaining that tune will allow you to stay optimized with your search terms from the beginning, so it will help your customers find answers easily the next time.

After you have done extensive research, jot down your research points and start building your FAQ based on the intensity and the importance.

2. Structure the content of the FAQ page to be concise and clear

Edit ruthlessly and break down all lengthy words into simple, small, and brief answers. Keep your paragraphs shorter. Avoid stuffing answers to the same question, instead, break the question into as many smaller chunks and address the answers directly. Keep your content skimmable.

Organizing and creating categories for the same group will help your users find answers quickly. Make sure to name your categories with direct and common names.
Do everything it takes to make your FAQ page simple, straightforward, and easy to locate answers.

3. Make your FAQ page easily searchable

Your customers want answers to their issues swiftly, and they are not ready to navigate through the whole website only to land on an irrelevant answer.
You are losing many opportunities there.

Instead, proactively take the pain out of the searching process by allowing your customers to enter a word and show suggestions for them to pick from your FAQ repository.

4. Optimize your FAQ content for SEO

If you build your FAQ section properly, it has a lot of potential to help you rank at the top in the search engine.

Create relevant content and link every question to a separate page so that Google can help you by showing your answers to the customers who are looking for any service or product like yours.

Even if the internet users are not directly looking for your brand, they could still be looking for assistance for a problem that you could solve. An efficiently keyword-optimized FAQ page could land the users on your webpage.

5. Update your FAQ content continually

Successfully launching your FAQ section is a mere first step. As we already indicated, it is a continual process.

You will need to closely monitor your FAQ’s performance against your customer query calls, emails, and support tickets’ volume. Find out the metrics and look for trends.

Commit yourselves to updating your FAQ content regularly. Doing a check every quarter will save you time and a huge work pile in the future. And ensure to immediately update the content every time you roll out a product or a service feature update.

Besides, look for redundant content and remove any content that does not serve a purpose or answer a query.

6. Ask for your customer’s feedback

Feedback is a steering component for the business to successfully march forward. And it is true for your customer support experience as well. Allow your customers to rate your FAQ section.

It will help you measure the effectiveness and quality of your FAQ page. You would be able to understand which area needs improvement, so you could save the confusion or the same trouble for your new customer in understanding what you have written.

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What are the benefits of having an FAQ page on your website?

Here are 9 compelling reasons why your business needs an FAQ page.

1. Enhances user experience

When you compile answers to common questions and categorize them under every topic, it makes it seamless for your customers to find answers quickly without having to navigate cluelessly. It will encourage them to self-service as you are clear in your process and have made it easy for your customers to locate answers.

2. Powerful organic search option

An FAQ page is a pool of opportunities to provide answers to questions about your business, industry, and your competitors. You can insert long questions in your FAQ section, which is not possible on web pages. It will enhance your visibility for search engines, and you can get a lot of new prospects when your FAQ answers are checked.

3. Stand Out on Google 

In some web searches about a product, service, or to-dos, Google highlights direct answers from websites in addition to displaying a list of search results. It is purely organic and based on the weightage and authenticity of your content. So appearing on a Featured Snippet when recommended by Google will remarkably increase organic traffic to your website.

4. Serves as website navigation

An FAQ page guides your users to the place where they want to land on your website – be it a product page, blog post, whitepaper, or contact information. In addition to providing a great user experience, an FAQ page also enhances your internal link-building, which is one of the most deciding factors for search ranking.

5. Saves time on customer service

With a valuable FAQ page on your website to answer basic and common questions, your customer service agents will get more time to solve complicated issues.

6. Powerful source for content ideas

The purpose of your content in the FAQ is to provide value to the readers – by answering questions, solving their issues, improving their lives along with your product or service, etc. So what better place to find answers to every problem? Besides, you can use your FAQ content to build on blogs, and social posts, create user engagement, etc.

7. Focus on new customer service issues

An FAQ page should be dynamic, like an emerging chronicle of customer interactions, queries, and concerns. Every time you update your service or product, policies, or have an announcement, you can add it to your FAQ page, so your customers will be up-to-date about your business.

8. Builds trust and relationships

Having an FAQ page on your website is a secret indication that you are committed to helping your customers find quick solutions. It builds trust in your brand and fosters your relationship with your customers. Remember customer loyalty is a great thing to achieve, and having a well-built FAQ page is one way to achieve that.

9. Boosts Sales and Engagement

Having a detailed FAQ page can assist you in making a great sales pitch. You are presented with a forum to tell everything that you want about your business and product to your customers. Start with explaining the benefits and work backward to create excitement about your business.

Besides, you can look at the analytics to discover your user’s behavior on the website and use it to upgrade your sales with them.

How to create an FAQ online using Knowledge Management Software?

At this point, you know what an FAQ is, the tips to create one, and how it is beneficial to your business.

Now, if you want to create an online FAQ page for your website but are worried about how it will fit your existing website, do not worry, we have a solution for you.

Document360, the Knowledge Management Software designed for evolving companies!

You do not need to revamp your complete website or invest in an expensive developer. In lieu, you can use knowledge management software like Document360 to build your online FAQ section.

Admittedly, using knowledge management software to create an online FAQ page will give you super results and benefits over a conventional FAQ page.

For both beginners and experts, an intuitive knowledge base software like Document 360 will allow you to easily

  • create an online FAQ with formatting options
  • and upload content dynamically without the need to hustle with developers and code.

You will find uploading, categorizing, and organizing your FAQ page simpler than ever.

Plus, Document360 gives you various options to completely customize and brand your FAQ section. It will help your users instantly find out who you are.

It also lets you create and build internal links to other articles inside your FAQ. It will prove advantageous, especially when you want to maintain an organized and professional FAQ section, just like your brand.

You can do cool things like

  • create a customizable home page and domain
  • change themes, colors, and update fonts in the rich text editor
  • add visuals and videos
  • tag and label articles for quick access and grouping,
  • boost your content for SEO
  • improve search engine visibility
  • get complete access to analytics
  • experience real-time knowledge support
  • add files and attachments to support your content
  • encourage your team to collaborate in real-time on the content through drafts
  • integrate third-party applications
  • use widgets on the website to provide quick support and easy navigation
  • connect via API
  • troubleshoot multiple answers based on your user’s interaction and much more.

What’s more, a world-class knowledge base software like Document360 prepares you with the tools to study how your website visitors and users are communicating with your FAQ content. It is remarkable because solid metrics are crucial if you want to continually improve and adjust your content based on your user’s consumption.

Curious to see how it works for you? Click below to explore Document360 in 2 minutes!
Finally, using knowledge management software like Document360 will allow you to create a searchable repository of solutions. It gives you the forum to help your customers land on the answers they are exactly looking for with ease.
If you are impressed and are looking at climbing on the bandwagon, we have an uber-propelled knowledge base software to create your FAQ page.

Summing Up:

Having a valuable FAQ page is a thin line difference between having a happy customer and an irritated one. It could make or break your whole customer service prodigy.

Too many brands keep their FAQ page as the last thing to work on. Filling that section with very basic and inadequate information that does not serve any purpose or address any concerns will not do any good but only worsen things.

Rather, to be seen as a brand that cares for its customers just like the products and services it invents, works on

  • Building real questions and addressing problems that customers have
  • Keeping the FAQ simple, streamlined, categorized, and well-maintained
  • Making your FAQ page searchable
  • Optimizing your FAQ content for SEO
  • Regularly updating it every quarter and during an update
  • Collecting and working on your customer’s feedback

Valuing your FAQ section like a powerful, influential property will allow you to upskill your customers about your product, build trust in your potential customers, and reduce repetitive support calls and tickets.

If you want to upgrade your FAQ section to the next level, warranting it with an intuitive knowledge base software like Document360 will help achieve that and put you at the forefront.

Having said that, we encourage you to sign up, check for the real-time usage experience, build your content, upload it on Document360’s platform, set up your dashboard, and assist your customers with the answers, queries, and concerns they may have.

An intuitive knowledge base software to easily add your content and integrate it with any application. Give Document360 a try!

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